Owned & Operated by Linden Mackey & Alison Steinsky
Funeral Establishment License #259, BAO

Grief Support

Grieving the death of a loved one can be a very difficult journey. People experience grief in their own unique way and at their own pace. Hospice's grief supports exist because we believe that no one in our community should have to grieve alone. Hospice offers grief support through a variety of individual and group programs and is available to children, youth and adults.  For more information about any of the groups below please contact Hospice today.
Contact Hospice Kawartha Lakes Today 
2 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 2Y1
705-879-4123 ~ hospiceinfo@ccckl.ca
Circle of Hope Support Group
A free support group program that provides a place for those who have recently lost a loved one to share with others who are experiencing similar feelings, issues and concerns. The group offers no-pressure support and companionship in the wake of a loss.

Education, Training & Outreach
Community Care's Hospice Services division reaches out into the community to help residents and healthcare professionals. We offer ongoing training, education and groups to support our community.

Healing After Suicide Loss
A death by suicide can have devastating effects on all it touches. Support is available to help you through the myriad of emotions and grief that you are experiencing.

Living Through Loss Family Program
Community Care's Hospice Services staff and volunteers recognize the special impact of loss for children and youth. We offer grief programs for children and teens through groups and individual support.

Moving Through Grief Support Group
This free multi-level program helps you along your entire journey. Through discussion and personal reflection, participants begin the journey of moving forward through grief while exploring ways to cope with life following the loss of a loved one.

Pregnancy & Infant Loss
Community Care is pleased to partner with Sunnybrook Hospital's Pregnancy & Infant Loss Network (PAIL) to provide free bereavement support to families who have experienced loss of a pregnancy at any stage, or death of a baby. We welcome any families who have suffered a pregnancy or infant death to join with others who share in their grief.

Understanding Your Suicide Grief
When we experience the death of a loved one by suicide, we may benefit from the support offered by others who have experienced a similar loss.
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